Raccoon Removal – White Plains, New York
Location: White Plains, NY
Job Type: Raccoon Removal
July 2015
Hey, it’s Ray from Intrepid Wildlife Services. We’ve got a call here for a raccoon issue. This comes up every once in a while throughout the summer sometimes, where raccoons are actually after earthworms. So follow us, and we’re going to show you some raccoon damage to the lawn.
So this is all raccoon damage. They’re just coming through, digging this up, and getting the earthworms out. So we set up a trapping program already and we’re here again today. We actually have our second raccoon – second day in a row – so we’re gonna go ahead and pick this guy up. This is one of the things that raccoons can do that causes damage to people’s property.
The only way to really remedy this is to remove the culprits. These are not pets! These are wild animals and should only be handled by a professional.
Well that’s another raccoon in White Plains, Westchester, New York that won’t be damaging people’s lawns and property anymore. As you can see, there was quite a bit of significant damage to the landscape in the back, and hopefully we’ll be about finished with this job in the next day or so. Thank you for watching!