Raccoon Removal – White Plains, Ny
Location: White Plains, NY
Job Type: Raccoon Removal
May 2014
We received a call for Raccoons in an attic. This house was a large three story home. It was determined that a female raccoon had gained access by way of a gabled vent. Because of the height of the house multiple ladders had to be used to access the attic area. Baited traps were set up which were ignored by the raccoon. To counter this a custom positive set trap was set (a trap put over the entry/exit hole). She was caught in the trap when she left at night to forage. The next morning we returned and removed the trap. After the female was secured in the trunk. three young were removed from a corner section of the attic. They were reunited and released together later that evening. The vents were then covered to prevent any future raccoon or other wildlife entry.